So...When Does This Dang Game Come Out?

Salut mes amis!

First off, thank you to everyone who checked out the updated version of our demo! And an extra special thanks to marieblueangel for doing a playthrough on Youtube! She has a lovely reading voice, so you should definitely check out her other videos too (like, subscribe, etc.).

The most pressing question we’ve received has been “when will the whole thing come out?” As you probably know from our previous logs, our composer Zach was dealing with a nerve injury. The timeline for his recovery was uncertain for a while, but the great news is that Zach is substantially recovered and back to composing. Now that the path forward is clear, we are ready to set the big date. Mark your calendars– ’Love & Country’ will be released June 20th

Team Gu has a lot to do before then to bring you the rest of the story of Lillian’s first mission. Jules is practically wearing out the tips of her Apple pen and Katie is programming like a madwoman. We’ll be keeping you posted on our progress, and over the next few months you can definitely expect to see more sneak peeks and bonus content popping up on our socials (X, Instagram) and Discord (more info on that forthcoming) as we prepare for the release.

As always, we really appreciate all of your support and encouragement. Guhuhu Games is a tiny operation. Your comments do reach us, and they do a ton to keep us going! We started working on L&C back in the dark days of the quarantine. Bringing Lillian’s story to life has been a labor of love–one that has consumed so much of our waking hours. It was both exciting and frightening to put our creation out into the world, and you all have rewarded us with so much love and support. From the bottom of our hearts–thank you!

Once again, expect the full release of ‘Love & Country’ June 20th, here on and Steam!

Bisous bisous,

Team Guhuhu

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congrats on the release!.

i'd love to play the full game.

if its ok to ask, how much will the full game be?


Thank you! We are not sure at this moment how much we will be charging for the game, but we want it to be affordable 😊


Congrats on the release date, and I am super excited for the game!


Wheee thank you!


Congratulations on the release date!! That's wonderful news!

Good luck and I can't wait to play!! Take care! ^-^


Thank you so much <3